Sunday, January 2, 2011

طرح درس پیش 1 درس1

 Sample Lesson Plan - Lesson 1- Pre University Book
"An effective lesson plan should give students a clear idea of what they will be learning, what assignments, and what the grading policy is."
"Lisa Rosenthal" Great Schools Net Staff

Teacher's Name…………………………………
 Date of Presentation: 15thof Mehr Level of Instruction: Intermediate Class: Pre University
Lesson: 1 - Pre University Book (Why Exercise Is Important / Paragraphs 1, 2, 3) Teaching Point: Reading Comprehension
Estimated Time: 90 Minutes
Behavioral Obiectives:
At the end of the lesson Learners must be able to:
1. Read and understand the meaning of the passage.
2. Answer the comprehension questions based on the given passage.
 3. Recall the main ideas of the passage and say it via their own words.
 4. Guessing unfamiliar words in some un-seen contexts or passages using "Reading Skills"
 learned in this lesson such as "defining", "restating" and "punctuation marks".
Warming Up (15 minutes) A) Teacher's Activities:
A-1. Greeting
A-2. Checking the students' attendance
A-3. Creating a friendly situation
A-4. Asking some questions from the previous lesson
A-5. Managing the groups

B. Students' Activities:
B-1. Individual or group greeting
B-2. Saying why they were absent
B-3. Saying what they did last night, this morning,...
B-4. Answering the questions from "Preview Part"
B-5. Forming the pre-established groups

C: Techniques and Strategies
C-1. Classroom management strategies such as laughing, walking around the class, engaging the whole class and not allow a few students to dominate the class, forming strong relationship with the students and show that he/she cares about them as people.

Pre=Reading (15 minutes)
A. Teacher's activities:
A-1. Motivating learners by showing some pictures or some pieces of films about the topic of the reading and asking some questions and using some new words related to the topic to be written on the board
A-2. Activating their prior knowledge and previous experiences by referring to the "Pre-Reading Activities" part of the book - taught the last session - and asking some related questions (Appendix 1)
A-3. Introducing the topic, reviewing the key words introduced the previous session (Appendix 2 which was given to the whole class to study and review them for this session) and presenting some related words in the form of "Word Web".

B. Students' Activities:
B-1. Looking at the  pictures or watching thefilm
B-2. Answering the related questions
C. Techniques and Strategies:
C-1. Eliciting
C-2. Visual exposure
C-3. Using semantic web
C-4. Flash back
t D. Teaching Aids:
D-1. Some pictures or pieces of films and a video player
D-2. KWHL table
D-3. White board
D-4. Text book

While - Reading (45 minutes)
A. Teacher's activities:
A-1. Playing the tape as a model (if necessary)
A-2. Supervising the groups during silent reading activities, managing their activities - inter group and intra group activities.
A-3. Monitoring the class - solving the problems.
A-4. Writing some questions on the board to make the students scan and skim the whole paragraph such as:
1. Find a synonym for "really" in paragraph 1?
2. Find a synonym for "in shape" in paragraph 1?
3. What's the main idea of paragraph 2?

B. Students' Activities:
B-1. Listening carefully and following the tape
B-2. Asking problematic parts of the text, underlying the important parts, highlighting the difficult parts.
B-3. Reading on their owns silently and giving reports to their groups and other groups
C. Techniques and strategies:
C-l. Listening
C-2. Problem - solving
C-3. Underlying
C-4. Highlighting - note taking
C-5. Silent reading
C-6. Skimming
C-7. Scanning
C-8. Inter group and intra group discussion

D. Teaching Aids:
D-1. Cassette player
D-2. Highlighter
D-3. Text book

Post - Reading (15 minutes)
A. Teacher's Activities:
A-1. Asking some T/F, MC, WH questions to check the students' understanding (Appendix 3 )
A-2. Taking some feedback from the students
A-3. Asking about their impression towards the text
A-4. Referring to some reading skills used to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words such as aerobics, aerobic exercise, heart, repetitive, ...(defining, restating and punctuation marks)
A-5. The teacher chooses a paragraph and reads it while the students put slashes among meaningful pauses
A-5. Assigning homework
a. Doing post reading activities
b. Preparing a very short summary of the reading voluntarily
 c. Being ready for a gapped-summary quiz
d. Finding the phonetic and definitions of the following words in Oxford Student Dictionary: vessel - partner - blood - lung - cell - chest - skull - brain - toe
e. Guessing un-known words exercises (appendix 4)

B. Students' Activities:
B-1. Answering the questions in group and individually and comparing their answers with other groups
B-2.Giving some feedback to the teacher
B-3. Talking about their impression towards the text and comparing their own ideas with those of the writer's
B-4. Asking individual problems related to the text or unfamiliar words

C. Techniques and Strategies:
C-l. Question and answer
C-2. Inter-group and intra-group discussion about the subject of the lesson
C-3. Problem – solving

D. Teaching Aids:
D-1. Some teacher-made written questions which should be distributed among students (appendix 3)
D-2. Supplementary related materials

It's recommended to do the While - Reading and Post - Reading activities after each paragraph if the students are at an under - intermediate level

Appendix 1
1. How often do you do exercise?
2. What kind of exercise do you do or play?
3. Do you know what aerobic exercise is?
4. How much do you weigh?
5. Are you in shape?
6. Do you need to lose weight?
7. How can you lose your extra weight?
8. What are the advantages of doing regular exercise?
9. What's the effect of doing exercise on your heart, mind, muscles,...? 10. How do you feel after doing exercise? Why?
11. What's the topic of this lesson?
12. How many paragraphs are there in this lesson?
13. How many headings are there in this lesson?                                              

Appendix 2
 New Words / Lesson One
1. rely     (verb)   (on sb. or sth.) = depend (on sb. or sth.)
= need sb. or sth.
a. Most teenagers rely on their parents for money.
 b. Babies rely on their mothers for food.
c. These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.

2. more efficiently (adverb)
 = better, effectively
a. You must use your time more efficiently.
b. When you exercise, your bodies will burn up calories more efficiently.
 c. Miss Jones does her job more efficiently than the other secretaries.

3.    rp otect  (verb)  (sb. / sth.) (qgqinst / from sth.)
 = keep sb. or sth. safe
a. Wear a hat to protect your head aainst the sun.
 b. Parents try to protect their children from danger.
 c. What do you do to protect your skin against the sun in summer?
 d. Firemen wear special clothes to protect them from the fire.

4. injury      (plural = injuries) (noun)
= physical harms to the body of a person or an animal
a. He has had an accident. He is in hospital now, but his injuries are not serious.
 b. Two players are out of the team because of injury.
c. There were no injuries in the car crash.
d. Injury to the head can be very dangerous.
iniure (verb) : Ten people were injured in the accident.

5. flexible   (adjective)  ≠ inflexible
 = able to change without breaking
a. It's not important to me when we go. My plans are quite flexible.
 = that can be bent easily without breaking
b. Most children are flexible, which means that they can bend and stretch their bodies very easily.
 c. As you get older, you usually get less flexible.
d. Doing daily exercises makes you flexible.

6. bend     (verb)  (bent - bent)
= move (part of) the body so that it is not straight any more
a. Bend your legs when you want to pick up something heavy.
b. She couldn't bend the metal bar.
c. She bent and kissed her baby.
d. She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.

7. stretch      (verb)
= to put your arms or legs out straight
= pull vour arms and le2s out as far as vou can
a. Joe got out of bed and stretched.
b. She stretched out her arm to reach the bookshelf.
c. After driving all day, Teddy likes to get out of the car and stretch his arms and legs.

8. nutrients (noun)
= things needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it grow
a. Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.
b. Your body uses some of the nutrients in the food to grow.

9. fuel     (noun) (no plural)
= material burnt to produce energy
= anything that you burn to make heat or power
a. Wood, coal and oil are kinds of fuel.
b. I think gas is the best fuel for cars.

10. store (verb)
 = keep
a. Animals store up food for the winter.
b. You can store meat and vegetables in the freezer to keep them fresh.
c. The information is stored on a compact disk.
d. If you don't exercise, your body can't use all the calories that are coming from food. So they will be stored as fat.

11. fat     (noun)  (no plural)
= a white / yellow oily material under the skin
a. Cut the fat off the meat.
b. This meat has too much fat in it.
c. I don't like food with too much fat in it.
 = oil that you use for cooking (also plural)
 d. Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats.

12. release (verb)
 =1et sth. come out
 = set sth. free
a. We opened the cage and released the bird.
b. The new power station would release a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. (adjective)≠ unfit
 = in shape
= healthy and strong, specially because you do regular physical exercises
a. I try to keep fit by going jogging every morning.
b. Top athletes have to be very fit.
c. People who are physically fit have a lower risk of heart disease.

14. blood    (noun)
= the red liquid inside the bodies of humans and animals
 a. He lost a lot of blood in the accident.

15.lift (verb)
= move sb./ sth. up
a. I lifted the baby out of the chair.
b. He lifted the suitcase upstairs.
c. I cannot lift this box. It is too heavy.
lift (noun)= elevator

16. jo int (noun)
= part of the body where two bones meet or come together
a. Elbows and knees are joints.
b. My joints are really painful in winter.

17. excellent (adjective)
 = very good
a. She was speaking Japanese so excellent that I think she is a native,speaker.

Appendix 3

Paragraph 1
l. Exercise is good, because it ................................
a. only keeps our mind healthy
b. would feel very good
c. keeps our body and mind healthy
d. has a lot of reasons

2. "It is time to get right into it!" in line 4 means: it is time to ....................................
a. take the correct way              c. see what is right and what is wrong
b. move to the right hand                        d. think of it exactly and immediately

3. The expression "to be fit" is equal to ............................
a. be very fat                                                              c. be very thin
b. do a lot of exercise                                                  d. be in a good condition

4. What does the word "it" in line 2 ("Without it, we .........") refer to?
a. exercise                                     b. mind             c. body                     d. healthy

Paragraph 2
5 According to paragraph 2 our heart .............................
a. can make us strong
b. can lift things
c. sends blood to our body
d. does exercise everyday

6. We can understand from paragraph 2 that our ..........................
a. heart needs exercise to get stronger                       c. body needs blood to get stronger
b. strong muscles need no exercise                                d. heart becomes happy if it works hard

7. Based on paragraph 2 ...............................
a. aerobic exercise is very hard and we can't do it
b. our heart should depend on aerobic exercise to get stronger
c. our heart gets stronger if we are happy
d. pumping blood makes our heart happy and strong

8. The word "strongest" in paragraph 21ine 2 means ..................................
a. energetic                               b. healthy                        c. useful                      d. most powerful

9. What does the word "it" in line 3 ("Since it cannot lift weights ..............") refer to?
a. blood                                     b. heart                         c. muscle                  d. body

Paragraph 3
10. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
a. How the number of blood cells increases     c. How aerobic exercise affect our heart
b. How fresh oxygen goes to muscles                 d. How our heart becomes bigger

11. Which sentence is NOT correct?
a Aernhic exercice can he rlnne nnlv nne time   c_ Aernhic exercice uivec vnn more oxguen
b. Our muscles need oxygen to work well          d. Our blood cells become more if we exercise

12. Which sentence is NOT correct?
a. When the number of blood cells increase, more oxygen can be carried
b. If we don't do aerobic exercise, our heart can't be strong
c. The blood in our body moves faster, if we do exercise
d. Aerobic exercise is an activity we do not repeatedly,

13. The word "efficiently" in line 8 is equal to ...........................
a. attractively         b. interestingly                    c. emotionally                   d. effectively

14. Which sentence is NOT correct?
a. blood moves through pipes which are called vessels
b. our heart may be a bit bigger and stronger if we exercise regularly
c. if we get more oxygen, we won't be easily tired
d. during aerobic exercise our muscles cannot use oxygen

Appendix 4
 Reading Skill (Guessing Unknown Words)
Choose the closest meaning to the underlined word.

 1) It is a strenuous sport, requiring a great amount of energy.
a. relaxing                            b. hard                c. interesting                         d. funny

 2) Lots of people are i ng orant of the effects that education can have on their life. That is, they don't seem to know its influence.
a. without knowledge          b. at risk               c. educatedd.                 dangerous

 3) This room is for your exclusive use. It means that you are the only person who uses it.
 a. share                               b. expensive        c. comfortable                      d. personal

 4) The future of our team is bleak - we have no expectation of success.
a. exciting                            b. hopeless          c. immediate                         d. excellent

 5) Mastermind is the person who designs and controls a big project.
a. organizer                          b. worker            c. teacher                             d. student

 6) She was talking in plain, or simple, English.
a. frightening                        b. clear               c. difficult                             d. interesting

 7) The worst effect of TV. is some people's addiction to it, meaning that they always feel a powerful need to watch it.
a. habit                                 b. dislike              c. sadness                            d. enjoyment

 8) Children shou

ldn't watch violence on TV; in other words, fights, killings, etc.
a. secrets that the police want to know             b. happy events in action films
c. discussions among people                            d. actions that hurt people physically

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