Sunday, January 2, 2011

طرح درس زبان 1درس 6

General Specification  of  Lesson 6 - English Book One 
SESSION: One / Time :90 min

Students should be able to internalize and use the news words (steam –burn –enough

 – else- turn into – rise – hardly move - build ) in new sentences and situations.

Teaching aids

Book, board, chalk, some classroom immediate objects, some pictures and drawings,

some questions written on forms

Teaching     method

The method is eclectic, taking into considerations some features of GTM , TPR, Audio-

lingual and TPR

The students will be divided in groups, each group consists of three members. Based on

 the number of students we may have groups: A,B,C,D,E,F,… .

T   e   a   c   h   I   n   g     p   o   r   t   I   o   n   s
Preview  ( 10 min)

 Instructional objectives: cognitive

Teacher’s activities:

Warm up   -  Administering the primary evaluation   - Showing a picture / or pictures.

Students' activities:
 Answering  the questions of primary evaluation - Getting ready for the new lesson.

View ( 6 0 min)
 Instructional objectives: cognitive and behavioural
Teacher’s activities:
Introduction: setting the scene.
Defining new words( steam –burn –enough – else- turn into – rise – hardly - move –

 build) by explaining, applying gestures, realia, some objects, pictures and drawings   prepared in advance ,using synonyms, antonyms.

 Writing the Words on the board one by one.

 Repeating the words aloud

 Asking questions , commanding some students to do some actions

 Reading the sentences on pages 68,69 and 70.

 Asking students to think and discuss their meanings in groups.

Review  ( 2 0 min)
 Instructional objectives: cognitive with performance skills
Teacher’s activities: -  Final evaluation
 Assigning  homework assignment.
 Students’ activities:
 Reacting the questions of final evaluation.
 Asking their questions from the teacher / their classmates.
 The pupils' correction of their own errors cooperatively.

    LESSON  PLAN / Mohammad  Heidari Chegeni / (KhorramAbad ) / PAGE.1

   Lesson 6 -  English Book One                                                       
  BY:Mohammad  Heidari Chegeni  (KhorramAbad )                                                         
SESSION: Two / Time :90 min
       Subject: Reading Section  of Lesson Six ( The Boy Who made Steam Work )
 Objectives: To teach students how to skim for main idea of the passage- identify key words
Prior knowledge: Students have become familiar with the new words of the lesson.
Materials: Reading text on pages71 & 72 of the book( The Boy Who made Steam Work), the board, a handout








5  min
Asking some questions from new words of lesson 6.

Introducing the topic.

Activating schema for the reading

Listening and answering questions about new words.

Restating some sentences containing those new words.
T            Ss

T= teacher

Preparing students

for reading passage
(new lesson)


10  min
 Asking a question such as this: “Do you know James Watt?”
Introducing James Watt.

Asking students to name some other famous inventors.

Calling out answer to teacher’s questions.

Asking and Answering each other

Ss          T

Arousing interest

Focusing attention



60 min
Presenting the reading text ( in English as much as possible. )

 providing some explanations about the text.( not all details)
 Reading aloud .
 Letting students ask questions if they have any.
 Checking Understanding
( randomly and orally).
 Asking questions on  pages 72  & 73  from each group and individual students.
Responding to questions.

Silent reading

Discussing the whole meaning in groups


Answering questions orally.
Answering questions on  pages 72  & 73 
Summarizing the text in groups.

T      Ss

 S  S
Getting students
to read the passage quickly to get the overall meaning.

Being able to retell (rewrite) the text in their own words.


10  min
Asking students what they have learned.
Questions like these can be used: " Who was James Watt?”
Giving  handout  to the students

Telling what they have learned

Answering the desired questions.

Filling in the handout.

Ss        T

Reminding students what they have learned and why.


5  min
To reinforce some concepts, the teacher may use some extra activities.

Interacting with each other about the teacher’s question/s.

S      Ss

Developing pupils’
metacognitive awareness

LESSON  PLAN /  Mohammad  Heidari Chegeni / (KhorramAbad ) / PAGE .2

  Lesson 6 -  English Book One                                                            
   BY:Mohammad  Heidari Chegeni (KhorramAbad )         
                                                                                   SESSION: Three / Time :90 min
                 Subject: Grammar, Exercises and Parts F,G & H of Lesson Six


 Comprehending the new grammatical structure ( Tag Questions )   
 Using Tag Questions well while speaking & doing the exercises.
 Doing Exercises of lesson six
 Doing F,G, and H parts of lesson ( PP.74,77,78 )

 Doing the exercises on pages 74 & 75 under the guidance and support of the teacher.
 Performing the F part ( Language Function) communicatively in class in groups and         pairs work.
 Uttering the words in G part( pronunciation practice) after the teacher
 Working on them among themselves.
 Accomplishing the H part ( vocabulary review) in a cooperative mood .



Being able to use the new grammatical points( Tag Questions) in new and meaningful sentences and situations.

 Being able to utilize the newly learned features( Language Functions) in their daily communication.

 Being familiar with the new phonetic sounds and exert them while speaking.



An Eclectic method is established in which some components of GT, CLT and Audio-lingual are taken into consideration as well.


The book, board, chalk, cassette player – pictures -

(75 min)

Teacher's activities


 Performing the primary evaluation.
 presenting the new grammatical forms ( Tag Questions )
 Asking students to read speaking 1 (73 & 74 )
 Reading aloud the sentences in the F section.
 Focusing on Meaning and exchanging new ideas.
 Reading the words aloud in section G.
Students activities

 Answering the questions in the primary evaluation.
 Answering teacher’s questions orally; individually or in chorus
 Working on the exercises ( 74 & 75)  in groups.
 Practicing the sentences in the F part in pairs.
 Repeating aloud the words in the G part after the teacher.
 Accomplishing the section H ( on page 55) in groups.
 Each group will present its response.

Final evaluation,
(15 min)

 Writing ten multiple-choice and completion-form questions on the board

Asking students to write them down and answer them.

 Encouraging students to have a review on the reading text

As homework assignment, fresh and well-formed sentences( 10 to 20 ) 

  LESSON  PLAN /  Mohammad  Heidari Chegeni / (KhorramAbad ) / PAGE.3

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